When I began programming, writing tests felt like a chore, a checklist item to cross off on the elusive path to High Quality Code. However, in the years since—having spent some time contributing to (read: occasionally breaking) a legacy codebase and building more complex projects—I’ve come to appreciate testing for what it can be when done well: a tool that enables refactoring with confidence.

That said, writing good tests requires some skill and experience. There are various techniques that I find to generally elevate test quality: I’m a big fan of both table-driven testing, which reduces the friction of adding new cases; and snapshot testing, which makes updating expected outputs easy.

But neither table-driven testing nor snapshot testing is the focus of this blog post. Rather, I want to explore another technique, property-based testing, that felt almost like magic the first time I encountered it. Here’s the pitch for property-based testing:

The pitch. With some setup, property-based testing can automatically hunt for edge cases for you; a good property-based testing framework will even reduce (or shrink) failing test cases so that they are easy to debug.

That sounds too good to be true, and in some sense it is. Property-based tests are not always applicable, can be difficult to write, and are not a replacement for normal example-based tests. But when they are appropriate, they’re awesome.

In this post, then, I’ll attempt to explain what property-based testing is both in abstract and in concrete, using a real example I wrote recently.

What is property-based testing?

At its core, a property-based test continually generates random inputs and checks for certain properties in the output. For instance, if we are optimizing an algorithm, we might want to ensure that the previous and new implementation agree, in which case the relevant property is old(input) == new(input). If we are writing a parser for untrusted input, we might instead verify that no inputs crash the process, yielding the property doesNotCrash(parse(input)).1

Good property-based testing frameworks will abstract away the loop and provide helpers for intelligently generating many types of input data, in addition to automatically shrinking failing test cases.

The cliché sorting example

A classic application of property-based testing is sorting algorithms. Suppose we have implemented the procedure sort(nums: number[]): number[]. An obvious property to check is that the output should be in order by comparing consecutive elements: that is, for all nums: number[], the property isSorted(sort(nums)) should hold.

The following example does just this with the aid of the fast-check property testing framework for TypeScript. We specify the input as any number[] via fc.array(fc.integer()), and then fast-check does all the hard work of generating interesting inputs, running the test, and shrinking failures.

(A complete test suite would no doubt need to test various other properties: the sorted array should contain the same elements as the input array disregarding order, have the same length, and so on. Testing for any mismatch with a simpler sort algorithm or a library implementation would also be useful: expect(ourSort(nums)).toStrictEqual(builtinSort(nums)) or similar.)

import { test, fc } from '@fast-check/vitest';
import { expect } from 'vitest';

declare function sort(nums: number[]): number[];

function isSorted(nums: number[]) {
	return nums.every((x, i) => i === 0 || nums[i - 1] <= x);

test.prop([fc.array(fc.integer())], (nums) => {

In contrast, consider what an example-based test suite for a sorting procedure would entail: we would need to manually select input arrays, making sure to vary the order and number of elements for good coverage, and then also write out the correct output arrays. An example-based test verifies that the system behaves correctly given some input, whereas a property-based test asserts something about a whole class of inputs. The property-based test above doesn’t obviate the need for example-based tests, but the main point is that the property-based test is easy and useful.

Of course, not all property-based tests are so straightforward to design; in fact, sorting algorithms are near-optimal candidates for property-based tests, given their simple input and range of interesting properties. Most scenarios suffer on both counts: inputs are more complex and useful properties more difficult to coax out.

In the next section, therefore, we will discuss a real property-based test I wrote as part of the Obscenity project, a profanity detection library for Node.js.

Testing a parser for a DSL

Obscenity provides a pattern DSL for specifying profane words—think regular expressions but much less powerful. Other than literal text, patterns support optional expressions (enclosed in [], so b[a] matches b or ba), wildcards (?), and word boundary assertions at the start or end of the pattern (|). A BNF-style grammar for Obscenity patterns is:

Pattern ::= WordBoundary? Atom* WordBoundary?

Atom         ::= Literal | Wildcard | Optional
Literal      ::= (basic_char | '\' escape_char)+
Wildcard     ::= '?'
Optional     ::= '[' (Literal | Wildcard)+ ']'
WordBoundary ::= '|'

basic_char  ::= character excluding '\', '?', '[', ']', and '|'
esacpe_char ::= any of '\', '?', '[', ']', '|'

At first glance, a parser for this grammar, parse(pattern) -> ParsedPattern, does not seem to admit any obvious properties. While we could test that the parser never deadlocks on any input—which would actually be a useful property test to write, given that the parser accepts untrusted input—with some thought we can devise a more useful property.

Specifically, by writing a function stringify(ParsedPattern) that takes the parser’s output and reconstructs the corresponding pattern and composing this with the parse function, we get the property stringify(parse(pattern)) == pattern: that is, the parser should roundtrip. This property, while more complicated to check, is far more interesting—in some sense, it checks whether the parser’s interpretation of a pattern (as reported by stringify(parse(pattern))) is correct (matches the original pattern.) For instance, if we somehow forget to implement parsing for wildcards and treat ? characters literally, stringify(parse('?')) would yield \?, which does not agree with the original input ?.

To write this property test, we need to be able to generate arbitrary strings that are valid patterns.2 3 It’s straightforward to do so by following the grammar: first, we create generators (fast-check calls these arbitraries) for each component of a pattern: literals, wildcards, and optionals.

const literalArb = fc.stringOf(
	fc.oneof(fc.char(), fc.char16bits()).map(escapeIfNeeded),
		minLength: 1,
const wildcardArb = fc.constant('?');
const optionalArb = fc
	.array(fc.oneof(literalArb, wildcardArb), { minLength: 1 })
	.map((children) => '[' + children.join('') + ']');

Combining these arbitraries yields a complete pattern.

const patternArb = fc
		fc.stringOf(fc.oneof(literalArb, wildcardArb, optionalArb)),
	.map(([hasStartWB, inner, hasEndWB]) => {
		return (hasStartWB ? '|' : '') + inner + (hasEndWB ? '|' : '');

…and finally we can write the property test.

test.prop([patternArb])('parser roundtrips valid patterns', (pattern) => {
	const parsed = new Parser().parse(pattern);

Running this test immediately found two bugs, both valid. Let’s talk about them one by one.

Bug 1: Parser misinterprets [\?]

Error: Property failed after 4 tests
{ seed: -391669338, path: "3:0:1:0:1:1", endOnFailure: true }
Counterexample: ["[\\?]"]
Shrunk 5 time(s)
Got AssertionError: expected '[\??]' to be '[\?]' // Object.is equality
    ...stack trace elided...
Encountered failures were:
- ["|[v?㶨X㾺0O⍙ᓰ]?[\\|좲樿ꎻ秸\\?]"]
- ["[v?㶨X㾺0O⍙ᓰ]?[\\|좲樿ꎻ秸\\?]"]
- ["?[\\|좲樿ꎻ秸\\?]"]
- ["[\\|좲樿ꎻ秸\\?]"]
- ["[樿ꎻ秸\\?]"]
- ["[\\?]"]

The pattern [\?] is valid according to the grammar: it should parse as an optional literal question mark ?. But the error is saying that the parser interpreted this pattern as an optional literal question mark ? followed by a wildcard—there should not be a wildcard!

The rather silly mistake was that the parser was not consuming the character after the escape character \.

if (c === '\\') {
	const escaped = this.peek(); // should be `this.eat()`
	if (!escaped) this.error("expected character after '\\'");
	// ...

Although this error would certainly be caught by a normal example-based test, the property-based test found the edge case for us instantly with a nice, near-minimal reproduction. Note that the fast-check framework shrunk the failing input from |[v?㶨X㾺0O⍙ᓰ]?[\|좲樿ꎻ秸\?] all the way to [\?]—a great example of what I mean when I say property testing feels almost like magic.

The second bug is more insidious.

Bug 2: Parser errors on \|

Error: Property failed after 724 tests
{ seed: 589454055, path: "723:0:1:0:1", endOnFailure: true }
Counterexample: ["\\|"]
Shrunk 4 time(s)
Got PatternSyntaxError: Invalid pattern '\|': expected character after '\'
    ...stack trace elided...
Encountered failures were:
- ["|?[??)떲tE회tૼ1뮉傗e&⨀I띿=@u??*6\"\\]O௯>!l畭]t还E_瞗픏\\|"]
- ["?[??)떲tE회tૼ1뮉傗e&⨀I띿=@u??*6\"\\]O௯>!l畭]t还E_瞗픏\\|"]
- ["[??)떲tE회tૼ1뮉傗e&⨀I띿=@u??*6\"\\]O௯>!l畭]t还E_瞗픏\\|"]
- ["t还E_瞗픏\\|"]
- ["\\|"]

The error is (extremely!) confusing and I didn’t know what to make of it at first: there is clearly a character after the \. To add to the confusion, this error only occurs when \| is at the end of the pattern; a \| in the middle parses correctly.

However, I soon realized the issue: originally, I implemented boundary assertions by unconditionally removing any leading or trailing | before parsing occurs, given that boundary assertions are only legal at the start or end of patterns. Yet this implementation is broken: not all | at the ends of patterns are boundary assertions; they can be escaped, as is the case here. The fix is to parse | normally and issue an error when the | is not positioned at the start or end of the pattern.

To me, this second example epitomizes the power of property-based testing: while example-based testing only covers cases we can think of, property-based testing uncovers scenarios that we may never have considered. While I’m still planning to write an example-based test suite for the parser—again, property tests complement, not replace other testing strategies—with this property test I have much more confidence in the parser’s correctness and in future changes.

Concluding thoughts

Property-based tests are extremely powerful, yet criminally underused. Yes, they aren’t always applicable, and yes, it can take some effort to find useful properties—but in my experience they are well worth the time spent. Give them a try in your next project and let me know what you think! :)

  1. Those familiar with the concept of fuzz tests may see a similarity to property-based tests. The line separating the two is murky at best (and one could make a good argument for the two being one and the same); see this post by Kaminski for more. ↩︎

  2. While we could in theory just feed random strings into the parser, this would be rather ineffective; very few random strings are interesting patterns. An optional expression, for instance, needs to start with a [ and end with a ], and such structure is unlikely to manifest in a random string. ↩︎

  3. This general technique—using a grammar to generate valid and complex inputs—is aptly known as grammar testing, and there is a fair bit of literature on this topic. ↩︎